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n. 特洛伊(小亚细亚西北部的古城);特洛伊(美国纽约州一城市)


Troy finally fell to the Greeks.


The Greeks coming to Troy needed a port to anchor their ships.



troy ounce金衡制盎司


扎克·埃夫隆(Zac Efron),1987年10月18日出生于美国加利福尼亚州圣路易斯奥比斯波,美国影视男演员。



troy游戏也叫特洛伊行动(Operation Troy)是一款Xbox360高达游戏,是一款以“一年战争”战场为游戏舞台的第一人称射击游戏,可以实现网络多人组队一起完成游戏中的任务。是非常好玩的游戏。



德尔福公司原为通用汽车公司的零部件子公司。1999年5月28日,德尔福正式与通用汽车公司分离,成为一家完全独立的、公开在纽约证券交易所上市的公司。德尔福总部位于美国密执安州特洛伊(Troy, Michigan),在汽车电子、汽车零部件和系统集成技术方面处于世界领先地位。德尔福拥有18.5万多名员工,在世界41个国家设有171家全资制造厂、42家合资厂、53个客户服务中心和销售代表处、以及33个技术中心。在2009年《财富》全球500强排名中,德尔福位于第453位,2009年全球销售额高达203亿美元。


troy是美国特洛伊大学。美国特洛伊大学 (Troy University,简称TROY) 始建于1887年,是一所美国公立大学,被普林斯顿评论 (The Princeton Review) 评为东南部最佳大学。《金钱杂志》(Money Magazine) 最近将特洛伊大学评为全美前25所最有价值的公立大学之一。在此就读一年本科或研究生的全部费用仅需23,000美元。学校位于美国阿拉巴马州特洛伊市,学校占地面积234万平方米。美国特洛伊大学培养了许多优秀人才,包括服务于里根时期联邦政府的经济学家,知名音乐作曲家,国家新闻工作者,国际儿童心脏基金会的发起人,许多政府机关要员,以及4位登月宇航员,其中一位曾任太空船“Endeavour”的总指挥。目前特洛伊大学设有五个学院,分别是商学院、教育学院、传媒与艺术学院、文理学院、健康与公共事业学院,开办了100多门专业课程,拥有30,000名学生。具有学士学位、硕士学位和博士学位授予权。





1金盎司(Troy ounze)=31.1035克(grams)












十、Exploring Troy from Istanbul: The Ultimate Travel Guide


Visiting Troy, the ancient city steeped in history and mythology, is a fascinating journey for history enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. Located in modern-day Turkey, Troy offers a unique opportunity to delve into the legendary tales immortalized by Homer in the Iliad. This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the essential information needed to plan a memorable trip to Troy from Istanbul.

Getting There

Reaching Troy from Istanbul is relatively convenient, as both cities are well-connected by various transportation options. The most popular way to travel to Troy is by road, either by renting a car or taking a bus from Istanbul. The journey takes approximately 4-5 hours, depending on traffic conditions. Alternatively, you can also opt for a guided tour that includes transportation.

Exploring the Ruins

Upon arriving in Troy, you'll be captivated by the extensive ruins that showcase the remains of the ancient city. Start your exploration at the entrance, where you'll find an informative visitor center providing historical context. A professional guide can enhance your experience by providing insights into the significance of each site you visit.

Don't miss the opportunity to witness the famous archaeological excavation known as "Hisarlık," which is believed to be the site of the ancient city. Marvel at the impressive city walls, the ruins of houses and temples, and the iconic horse replica – a symbol of the legendary Trojan Horse from the epic tale.

Must-See Attractions

While exploring Troy, make sure to visit the highlights that encapsulate the essence of this historical site. The Temple of Athena, dedicated to the goddess of wisdom and war, is a must-see. Admire the intricate carvings and architectural marvels that have stood the test of time.

Another significant attraction is the ancient theater, where theatrical performances were once held to entertain the citizens of Troy. Step back in time as you imagine the grandeur and spectacle that unfolded within these ancient walls.

Local Cuisine

After a day of exploration, treat yourself to some delicious local cuisine in the nearby town of Çanakkale. Indulge in traditional Turkish dishes such as kebabs, baklava, and Turkish tea. Don't forget to try the famous Çanakkale-style breakfast, a delightful spread of olives, cheeses, and freshly baked bread.

Practical Tips

Here are some essential tips to make your visit to Troy from Istanbul more enjoyable:

  • Wear comfortable footwear as there will be a fair amount of walking involved.
  • Bring sunscreen, a hat, and plenty of water, especially during the summer months.
  • Consider hiring a knowledgeable guide to enhance your understanding of the historical significance of each site.
  • Respect the archaeological site by not littering or damaging any structures.


Visiting Troy from Istanbul is an enriching experience that allows you to immerse yourself in the depths of history. From exploring the ancient ruins to reliving the tales of heroes and gods, Troy offers a remarkable journey into the past. By following this complete guide, you'll be well-prepared to embark on a memorable adventure and create lasting memories.

Thank you for reading, and we hope this guide has provided valuable information to assist you in planning your visit to Troy.

The End
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